Twitter for business

How is Twitter different from other social media platforms?

Twitter did not die with Donald Trump leaving the platform! Elon Musk is still there!  😂


Unlike any other Social Media platform, Twitter is extremely fast-paced. The content moves down quickly because people post all the time – due to character limitations sometimes users may continue a thought by sending out several tweets one after another. With that said, Twitter is a platform for engagement.

Another unique trait of Twitter is openness – in other words, Twitter is pretty blunt. It is the platform where people are passionate about the subject of discussion and are not afraid to voice their opinions. People let loose and talk to each other whether they’re best friends since childhood or complete strangers.

Twitter is a platform of clear communication, where brands and people have open, quick, and efficient communication, which is especially beneficial for businesses with a need for online customer service support.

What makes Twitter even better for your business is the diversity of the audience. Contrary to other more visual platforms, anyone and everyone can be on Twitter, no matter their age, sex, primary areas of interests, occupation and financial situation, etc. That makes it a lot easier for brands to identify the target audience that engages with the content the most. Having a Twitter business account provides an opportunity to not only build a relationship with your followers but also helps identify and narrow your niche and refine the target audience. 

Trial and error is the right approach to finding your Brand Voice on Twitter. You have to know your niche very well to grab their attention and start a conversation that people want to be a part of. Using Twitter for business requires a Twitter Marketing Strategy that’s in line with your overall business strategy. Optimizing your business objectives for your Twitter strategy and developing an effective content strategy for Twitter will help you get in front of the new leads and prospects.

How to effectively manage a Company Twitter Account?

Find a good posting balance for your brand. Some businesses post 3 – 6 times per day, others – 10 – 15 times. Keep in mind that quality is always better than quantity, but try to stay fairly active and consistent.

Post valuable content – if your content doesn’t spark a conversation – it’s not post-worthy. Make sure each piece of content serves a purpose: entertain, inform, educate, and/or drive brand awareness.

Monitor your competitors. Keeping up with the best practices your competitors use in their strategy could help you develop and improve your own. Gather information about their “on-platform customer service”. Identify what types of posts get higher engagement. Find the tactics that could apply to your business and tailor them for your audience.

Stay up to date with trends and best practices. Like any other social media platform, Twitter constantly undergoes updates and changes. Stay up to date with new tactics and tools that drive engagement. Monitor trends, and keep adding value.

Post when your audience is active. Try posting at different times of the day to see when your followers are more active and are ready to engage. There are universal time frames when people typically find themselves browsing through social media but try finding more specific windows that apply to your target audience.

Use hashtags but don’t be a hashtag spammer. Adding too many hashtags to a single tweet is not a good strategy unless you’re trying to look like an attention junkie. Stick to 2-3 hashtags relevant to your post, and do hashtag research to ensure you get a wider exposure with the ones you choose to go with.

Results must be measured and analyzed. Like all other marketing initiatives, Social Media Marketing on Twitter is subject to effectiveness evaluation. Twitter Analytics will help you with reporting and finding what works and what doesn’t in your strategy.

Use a publishing tool to save time. There are plenty of third-party scheduling tools such as Hootsuite, SproutSocial, Buffer, and many other ones, you can use to upload multiple posts at a time and schedule them in advance. Take advantage of these tools, and help yourself optimize your workflow.

Leverage Paid Advertising. Twitter provides two options of paid ads – Twitter Ads and Promoted Tweets. Twitter ads are good for promoting multiple tweets within the same campaign that share a specific goal, whereas Promoted Tweets are single tweets that are displayed to the people within the audience you specify. Promoted tweets look like regular tweets and can be interacted with in the same way.

If you’re looking to start leveraging Twitter as a part of your Social Media Strategy and you need help setting up your company Twitter account, defining your goals and strategy, or need help with management, send in your quote below and tell us about your needs.