Why use TikTok for business in 2021

TikTok is a rapidly growing social media monster. It has expanded from a network where teenagers dance and do silly things to a widely popular platform in less than a year. The reason for this is TikTok is a very fun, playful, and laid-back place, where personality shines over the polished heavily-filtered content. People of all ages can fool around, relax, and be themselves.


TikTok is its own subculture. To best describe the atmosphere and vibe of TikTok, let’s compare it to its social media buddies. LinkedIn is the coworker you secretly don’t like for his poor work-life balance. Facebook – the annoying classmate at your High School Reunion. Instagram – the dream girl you can never have but can’t forget. Pinterest is your grandma’s lovely best friend who comes in once a month and brings cookies. YouTube is a trendy kid, who’s secretly a Spider-Man, but you can’t tell. And TikTok is the warm and cozy next-door neighbor you’re not ashamed to grab a beer and pizza with on a weekend.

TikTok is easily the least judgemental platform where no one is afraid to look silly, share their thoughts, and goof off. The majority of TikTok’s audience (around 80%) are people in the age group between 16 and 34. In February of 2021, there were 1.1 billion ACTIVE monthly users. With that said, it opens a door to a huge audience which can help you raise brand awareness and make your business more profitable.

If you’re wondering how exactly you can leverage TikTok for your business, here is what to do. 

Tip 1. Being human is the key.

TikTok opens the door into a relaxed conversation with your audience. If you take a look at some of the well-known brands on TikTok, such as Washington Post, for example – they maintain a certain image on other social media platforms that represent the conventional way of behaving in the business and corporate world. However, their content on TikTok shows the behind-the-scenes, office jokes, silly situations. This gives an opportunity to connect with the audience on a more personal and intimate level, build trust, demonstrate openness, and form an emotional attachment, which is essential for a successful branding strategy.

Tip 2. Have fun with your content.

Many content creators fail to have fun with their social media because sooner or later content creation becomes a chase after better engagement numbers. They start forgetting about creativity and simply post what they think people want to see. This approach may give you a temporary boost, but if you’re simply replicating what other people have already done, you will quickly lose uniqueness. You are less likely to be memorable to your potential audience. With that said, keep your content original and personable, even when you participate in trends. Develop a strategy that helps communicate the message of your business, and stay true to the company values, voice, and character. 


Tip 3. Use TikTok Algorithm to your advantage.

Don’t overthink it. TikTok is a platform where an account of any size can get wild exposure in a matter of a couple of days. The easiest way to boost your visibility is by using trending hashtags and sounds. Take a look at the discovery page and see which hashtags are currently popular, also check the list of TikTik viral sounds and recommended music, shoot a video that fits your personal brand or business, sprinkle it with your unique personality, and voila! Post when your audience is active. If your account is brand new and you don’t have enough analytics about your audience, use the conventional time frames for TikTok. 

Concern: Whether or not your business should be on TikTok is a tricky question. Many business owners stay away from TikTok because the demographic of the platform is “too young” which means the return of investment may not be high enough. Others think TikTok is a trend spiked by the world pandemic, and it will vanish once our lives go back to normal. Another popular opinion is that TikTok is only effective for brand awareness.

The fact is, it’s getting harder and harder for marketers to advertise to younger generations. People are becoming immune to traditional marketing techniques. Being authentic, expressing a unique voice, sharing certain values – these are the things that the younger generation tends to put their faith in, not your flashy ads. Building meaningful connections with your audience is your goal for TikTok Marketing. Branding is a long-term strategy that doesn’t always provide an immediate result but always pays off.