Not putting effort into Facebook Marketing is a big mistake for any business!

Hack #1: Meet Facebook – the world’s largest social media platform

The biggest myth about Facebook – people tend to think it has become an outdated platform, and hardly anyone still uses it. Every day you hear here and there “who is even on Facebook anymore?” “Facebook is for old people” “Facebook is toxic and someone’s gotta cancel it”

Are you one of those people? Rethink this by learning some of the commonly known statistics below.

There are 2.80 billion active users monthly on Facebook in 2021, and the number keeps growing. Don’t forget, that Facebook owns some of your favorite everyday social networking platforms – Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger. Statistically, Facebook is the platform that businesses profit off of the most, compared to ANY of its competitors in the social media realm. If other businesses do it, why shouldn’t you?

Hack #2: Facebook Algorithm is easier than it seems

In the early days of Facebook, pretty much every single one of your posts was shown to your entire list of friends. It doesn’t work this way anymore. Whether you post on your personal page or your business page, Facebook will take your post and show it to a small portion of your followers or your friends, and based on the engagement statistics, decide whether to display it to more people or to not show it to anyone at all. Simply put, if a piece of content is well accepted by more and more people, it is worth showing to a wider audience. If the post gains a good amount of engagement (likes, comments, and shares), the algorithm decides to display it to the next group of people, and so forth repeating this process over and over. If the number of likes, shares, and comments is growing progressively, the post goes viral.

Hack #3: What Facebook wants is the same thing that women want from their men – time together and loyalty.



The answer is simple: any social platform wants people to spend time on that platform. The main source of Facebook revenue comes from businesses investing in Facebook ads. Keeping people on the platform as long as possible means displaying more ads to them. And that is why the algorithm will always favor content that will keep people on the platform. Why would Facebook show a post that encourages people to leave the platform to anyone? Would you show your man a bunch of girls and say: “Hey, look at this one, why don’t you go hang out with her, she looks better than me, seems more interesting”


With that said, you don’t want to post links to your blog, new YouTube videos, and other platforms on Facebook. The tip here is to repurpose that content and utilize it on Facebook. For example, you can share a blog post by splitting it into a series of posts about the subject, create a story momentum and keep your audience engaged on Facebook. Post the videos on Facebook as much as you do on other platforms, and keep your Facebook audience engaged and entertained.

Hack #4: Facebook groups are prioritized by Facebook

Groups are perfect for starting a conversation with your audience. If Facebook favors posts that trigger a dialogue, what’s a better place to do it than in a group with a bunch of people who are connected by a similar interest? Groups are more exclusive than Facebook pages; and with a welcoming healthy atmosphere, good topics for discussion, and good navigation, you can build trust and get to know your community better.

Hack: if your business allows, utilize your personal profile to your advantage. If you are friends with people from your group, they may get notified when you post in a group. Using your personal page will give you more exposure than a business page.

Hack #5: Easy steps to increase engagement on Facebook in 2021

  • Focus on your audience

Stop posting stock photos and talking about how great your business is. People are tired of salesy content. What they want is to connect, build communities based on interest, and find like-minded people and organizations. With that said, figure out what your audience wants, what they’re interested in, what topics are likely to trigger a meaningful conversation. Facebook prioritizes content that sparks dialogue, so what you need to do is learn how to motivate people to engage. Worry about what your audience wants to see rather than posting something that simply makes you feel good.


Qualities of good Facebook content:

  • Authentic
  • Memorable
  • Attention-grabbing
  • Relevant
  • Captivating

Interestingly enough, it is not recommended to ask your followers for engagement. Do not start your post with “Comment below if…” “Like this post if…” “Share this post if…” Facebook does not like posts that ask for engagement, this practice used to be very effective a few years ago, however, in 2021 it is extremely damaging to your reach.

  • Interact with people who engage with your content.

You need to make sure to interact with those who found your content valuable enough to take the time out of their day and engage in conversation. Follow up with a meaningful response that would show respect to the person you’re talking to and motivate other people to join the discussion, Everyone wants to be heard and feel appreciated. Appreciate those who drive your business to success. In no time you will build valuable relationships and spread brand awareness.

  • Post often

The formula is quite simple – if you don’t post, you will not reach anyone. However, do not post for the sake of posting, make sure your content is worthy of sharing with your audience, is in line with your strategy, and is valuable to your followers.

As many other social platforms nowadays Facebook favors video content. Why? Again, because it keeps people on the platform longer. Video content sometimes requires a financial investment and is time-consuming. But it’s worth it for the value it can bring to your followers’ Facebook experience. 

Hack #6: Do you really need to boost your posts?

Unfortunately, there is no other way to increase engagement in 2021. When it comes to organic content, Facebook prioritizes “friends and family” posts. So, even if you have loyal fans and followers on the platforms, your posts are likely to not make it to their news feed, because they will be flooded with organic posts or their cousins, classmates, and mothers-in-law. Great content is not enough to succeed on Facebook – there is plenty of it on the platform, and as a business (and especially a startup) – you’re going to have to face the fact that the competition is extremely high. Boosting your post allows you to get wider exposure amongst your existing audience and potential prospects. Boosting your posts does not require a large investment – sometimes as little as $5 per post can make a huge difference not only in your paid reach but organic reach as well.

You can pick posts you decide to boost strategically. And if a lot of people love it, engage with it, share it with their friends, you have a higher chance of reaching these people organically next time you post.



We hope you find this information valuable and thank you for reading this post, if you are interested in getting in touch with us, please submit the form below, and we’ll reach out to you as soon as possible.